Auto Partner SA. Auto Partner SA.
Auto Partner - Workshops


Car and motorbike parts as well as workshop equipment – discover our branch novelties

The automotive market is constantly changing. As suppliers of car parts, we are keeping a close eye on the changes in the industry. Spare parts are improving in quality, and the workshop software is becoming more accurate. As a result, vehicle owners can count on comprehensive assistance from workshop professionals. Now, when the competition is so fierce and there are so many car workshops and shops available, it is worth keeping up to date with industry news.

Auto Partner - Co oferujemy - Warsztaty

Our cooperation offer includes:

  • financing and support, 
  • external financing – loans, leasing,   
  • training in the use of the purchased products, 
  • after-sales service. 
Auto Partner - Warsztaty - Zapraszamy na szkolenia

Join our trainings!

Trainings are conducted in accordance with the model developed as a result of many years of experience and tested with the best Suppliers.

Join the MaXserwis network

The MaXserwis car repair shops operate as individual legal and financial entities. Each car repair shop that joins the MaXserwis can count on the support of a number of specialists, regular training, support for marketing activities and much more.

Contact form

If you are interested, please contact us.

    ADMINISTRATOREM, czyli podmiotem decydującym o celach i środkach przetwarzania danych osobowych jest AUTO PARTNER S.A. z siedzibą
    w Bieruniu, ul. Ekonomiczna 20, 43-150, Bieruń, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód
    w Katowicach, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000291327, NIP 634 001 10 17, REGON 276249079.

    Pola oznaczone * – są wymagane.